Taking Advantage Of Wapka Rss Feed To Increase Wapsite Traffic

Taking Advantage Of Wapka Rss Feed To Increase Wapsite Traffic

Increase website traffic Taking Advantage Of Wapka Rss Feed To Increase Wapsite Traffic Hello , am going to show you a secrete on how to increase your wapka site traffic by taking advantage of wapka rss feed.
For those who don’t know what rss is, read Rss Feed Syndication – Introduction, Importance And Setup Guide.
Before we do the wapka rss feed setup, you first need to submit your wapsite feed url to a rss feed syndicating website. Examples are dlvr.it, networkedblogs.com, twitterfeed.com e.t.c.
Note that your wapsite feed which you going to be updating manually will automatically go viral to the various social media destination you’ve set at the feed syndication site. Also your wapsite feed url is always http://username.wapka.mobi/rss.xml or if you using a custom domain, it becomes http://sitename.tld/rss.xml ( e.g http://wapden.net/rss.xml ).
After submission and setup of your feed destination at any of the above feed syndication site, head over to your wapka control panel.
Navigate to Edit site -> Global settings -> RSS feed, then click the Add new feed link to add new feed item.
On the feed addition page, fill the form as follows:-
Title add the feed title there with a captivating text.
Site ID / Forum ID if the article is written in forum, choose forum ID and place the forum ID in the input area close to the select option. If the article is in a page/site, choose Site ID and add the site ID.
Description add a brief description about the article or post
Immediately you submit the feed, it will be retrieved and publish to various social target specified in your Rss feed syndication website. With this, you won’t bother undergoing the stress of sharing your latest site content to various social network, and in-turn increase your wapsite traffic.
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