How to Pretend to Hack a Website

For a prank, you can pretend to hack a website. The methods given here do not affect the website content; what you change is only visible on your computer. As soon as the pages is refreshed, it will all be back to normal.

Method 1 of 2:access the page

1. Go to the page you want to hack. Wait for it to be loaded fully. If you do it before, it will only edit what has already loaded. 

2. Copy this code into the URL bar:
  • javascript: document.body.contentEditable = 'true'; document.designMode = 'on'; void 0

    3. Hit Stop. If it worked correctly, the links will have turned into a more saturated blue color, and when you click somewhere you'll be able to edit text. 

    4. Edit. You can change text by highlighting it and typing. You can stretch or delete images just by clicking on them. Or, you can just highlight the whole page and hit delete. 
    5. Type the following code to make the page uneditable again:
    • javascript: document.body.contentEditable = 'false'; document.designMode = 'off'; void 1
    6. Once you have made the page uneditable again, left-click in the URL Bar and press ESC. This will reset the URL to the page you are on, making it look authentic. Or, you can open another tab and go back to the edited page!

    Method 2 of 2: Bookmark Method

     i. Create a new bookmark. For the URL put this: --> javascript: document.body.contentEditable = 'true'; document.designMode = 'on'; void 0 <-- Then save the bookmark as (for example) "edit page".

    ii. Create a second bookmark. For the URL put this: --> javascript: document.body.contentEditable = 'false'; document.designMode = 'off'; void 1 <-- Save it as (for example) "End Editing". 

    iii. Click on the "edit page" bookmark to edit the page you are on. Click the "End Editing" bookmark to make the site appear to be authentic.


    • You can use this technique to remove ads.
    • You should have JavaScript enabled to do this. If you do not, you can simply enable it in your browser preferences.
    • This can be a good way to prank friends!


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