Want to make money online? You can make money online by watching or listening to Jovago Advert. It’s simple. See details below. Note: This is for a limited time.
Have you ever heard of a company paying Nigerians to monitor its advert? Well, this would be a first! Jovago.com, your No. 1 hotel booking portal in Africa is paying Nigerians N500 per hour to watch or listen to our new advert.
- Send an email to marek.zmyslowski@jovago.com with subject: Media Monitoring
- State which type of Media you want to watch or listen (you can choose all): DSTV Channels/Terrestrial Channels/Radio.
- For each day you are available, state the hours when you can monitor the media.
Days to choose from (You can choose all): 18th July – 5th august
Hours to choose from (You can choose all): 6am-10pm
- Write your bank account number
- At the end of each day, send a report with the number of Jovago spots you have seen/heard during your duty hours.
- Each Channel is monitored by at least 5 people. If the number of spots you send is the same as numbers of at least two other – you get your cash the next day.
Get paid? Share your success story through comments. Don’t forget to also share this with others.