I have always been a mobile wapsite freak, in fact i started my
journey of been a web-developer from building mobile wapsites. Today, am
going to list seven(7) out of the world best wapsite builder, the list
below is subject to debate 
I thimk wapka is the best mobile wapsite bulider. it’s easy to learn and understand without having knowledge of programming languages, couple with some exceptional features: ability to add custom domain, availability of wapka tags synonymous to some PHP functions, ability to monetize your site etc.
Most wapmasters in the world agree xtgem is the best wapbuilder in the world. i actually started here, my first ever mobile wapsite was built at xtgem, i.e wapmenu.xtgem.com.
Xtgem to me is very easy to learn compare to wapka, they have excellent features and also ability to use a custom domain, more SEO friendly and has unlimited disk space and bandwidth compare to wapka.
Wen.ru is one of the oldest wapbuilder in the world. some good feature
about them is, they don’t have server downtime, unlimited diskspace.
other characteristic are: inability to add a custom domain, most
wordings are in russian. Generally, they are good.
This also a widely used wapbuilder with lots of quality features, their demerit is constant server timeout, maybe that is fixed by now. but they good:unlimited bandwidth & diskspace, custom domain option etc.
They took the mobile world by storm last year, reason because they are exceptionally good with great features. i should have rank them high up, but they’re still growing, try them out today.
You can easily create a community site with them, because you don’t need to do any work: everything has been custom made. This certainly not my favorite. why? they litter your site with their ads(mostly porn) without an option of running your own ads.
I heard they are quite good and has lots of exquisite features. Maybe you should try them out and see for yourself.
I thimk wapka is the best mobile wapsite bulider. it’s easy to learn and understand without having knowledge of programming languages, couple with some exceptional features: ability to add custom domain, availability of wapka tags synonymous to some PHP functions, ability to monetize your site etc.
Xtgem to me is very easy to learn compare to wapka, they have excellent features and also ability to use a custom domain, more SEO friendly and has unlimited disk space and bandwidth compare to wapka.
This also a widely used wapbuilder with lots of quality features, their demerit is constant server timeout, maybe that is fixed by now. but they good:unlimited bandwidth & diskspace, custom domain option etc.
They took the mobile world by storm last year, reason because they are exceptionally good with great features. i should have rank them high up, but they’re still growing, try them out today.
You can easily create a community site with them, because you don’t need to do any work: everything has been custom made. This certainly not my favorite. why? they litter your site with their ads(mostly porn) without an option of running your own ads.
I heard they are quite good and has lots of exquisite features. Maybe you should try them out and see for yourself.