Hackers-Operating System: Download and installation progress

                    Anonymous-OS: Download and installation progress 

Anonymous-OS is a special operating system for hackers, which is based on Linux operating system. In this OS you can find a lot of hacking tools. To install this OS on your computer you need to download VirtualBox and install it on your computer. And after that download Anonymous-OS installation file with torrent client such as BitTorrent, uTorrent.
After we downloaded installation file we can start the installation process.
Open VirtualBox, and from left side press on New button.

In new opened small window type OS name ( for example Anonymous-OS ). Type set as LinuxVersion set as Ubuntu. Press on the Next button. 

Then select the amount of RAM that you want to use for this OS ( minimum 512 MB of RAM )
In next step you need to choose create a virtual hard drive now and press on the Create button. After that select VDI ( virtualbox disk image ) , press Next and at this time choose Dynamically allocated and again press Next. So now we need to choose installation folder for this op.system and set the limit size ( Minimum 4 GB ) and press on Create button.
And after that we can start op.system by choosing op.system from list and pressing on the Start button.

In new opened window we need to select optical disk drive( that installation iso file of OS ) and simply press on the start button.
Now we need to configure some settings. Choose live - boot the Live System and hit enter.

Now we need to configure some settings. Choose live - boot the Live System and hit enter.

And we can see the fantastic screen with fantastic hacking tools.


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